Ask for a student permit
4. Frequently asked questions
I am from a foreign country and will start my studies in Geneva all the while living in France, do I need a student permit ?
No. If you have a valid residence permit and are living in France, you can study in Geneva without announcing yourself to the OCPM.
However, if you are doing an internship (even unpaid) or wish to work in Geneva, you have to apply for a cross-border work permit. There is no entitlement to such a permit. Alternatively, residence in Switzerland is required in order to benefit from an ancillary activity (art. 38 OASA) or during an internship (art. 39 OASA).
I have a B/C permit, I am living in another Swiss canton and I will start my studies in Geneva:
Do I need a permit if I keep living outside Geneva ?
Do I need a permit if I am coming to live in Geneva ?
Yes. If you are in possession of a B or C permit, you have to apply for a change of canton.
If your have a student permit, you have to apply for a student permit.
I don't have a definitive address in Geneva, what should I do ?
If you are currently abroad, and waiting to find accommodation, you can send us Form E and leave the "address" field empty. You will have to submit the duly completed "Complément de données" form with proof of your address when you come to our counters to register your biometric data.
It is also possible to fill in Form E with a temporary address (hotel, Airbnb, ...). Once your permanent address is known, you will have to notify us your change of address.
If you are staying at someone's house or you have concluded a sublease agreement you must send us a written certificate from the landlord - Form AL (with a copy of the main lease and a copy of the landlord's I.D.).
My name isn't on the mailbox of my home, how do I make sure that I receive OCPM postal mail ?
To receive our mail, if your name doesn't appear on the letter box, you must complete your address by filling the "C/O" section with the name of the person mentionned on the letter box.
May I work during my studies ?
If you are a EU/EFTA national, you can work maximum 15 hours per week during the school / academic year. During holidays, you can work fulltime.
If your are a non-European national, you can start working at the earliest 6 months after the start of the course and only if you are registered in a Swiss Higher Education Institution. The maximum duration of the activity is 15 hours per week during the school or academic year and 40 hours per week during university holidays.
In both cases, you must announce any paid activity through Form E.
If you are a non-European national, you must wait for our decision before starting working.
I will soon finish my studies and wish to continue working fulltime for the company where I worked until now at the rate of 15 hours per week ?
If you are a EU/EFTA national, you must apply for a work permit using Form K duly completed and signed by your employer.
If you are a non-European national, your employer must apply for a work permit.
I have finished or will soon finish my studies and wish to apply for a permit to look for a job ?
If your are a EU/EFTA national, you must apply for a job search permit using Form K, a copy of your diploma and proof of your financial ressources.
If you are a non-European national who has graduated from a recognized University, you must follow these steps: Permis pour recherche d'emploi post-formation |
Financial means
What type of documents do I have to send you to justify my financial means ?
We accept various documents, such as:
- A statement of account, in your name, of a recognised bank in Switzerland, justifying a minimum amount of CHF 20'000 for a year of study;
- A certificate of financial support signed by a guarantor - (Form O if the garuantor lives in Switzerland) - with supporting documents of the guarantor's financial means such as bank statements/certificates or salary slips (a minimum coverage of CHF 2'500 per month is required to be able to reside in Switzerland);
- Any other document proving a balance of CHF 20'000 or a regular income of at least CHF 2'500 per month.
Can my guarantor live outside Switzerland ?
Yes. Only if he/she is a member of your first degree family (father, mother, sibling).
How much is required to justify enough financial means ?
CHF 20'000 a year or CHF 2'500 a month.
Where do I obtain a certificate from the debt-enforcement office ?
If you or your guarantor are living in Geneva, you can obtain the certificate directly at the debt-enforcement office (Office des poursuites).
Where do I obtain an extract from my criminal record ?
If you are living in Switzerland, it is necessary to produce an extract from your Swiss criminal record.
If you are not living in Switzerland, it is necessary to produce an extract from your criminal record from the country where you are currently living.
Absence / departure from Switzerland
For how long can I leave Switzerland (for holidays, etc.), if my permit is still valid ? Do I have to announce my absence ?
Your permit automatically expires if you are outside Switzerland for more than 6 months if you hold a B permit, and 3 months if you hold an L permit.
If you are absent for less than 6 months, respectively 3 months, you do not need to announce it.
I have to leave Switzerland to do a semester abroad, what should I do ?
If you have a B permit and your time abroad lasts more than 6 months, you have to announce your departure from Switzerland. When you come back, you will have to apply for a new student permit.
If you have an L permit and your time abroad lasts more than 3 months, you have to announce your departure from Switzerland. When you come back, you will have to apply for a new student permit.
I wish to leave Switzerland and announce my departure, but my permit is still valid, will I be able to come back for short periods of time (e.g: finish my thesis)? Will I need a visa ?
If you do not require a visa, you can come to Switzerland, for a stay not subject to authorization of up to 90 days.
If you require a visa, you will need to apply for a C Visa from the competent Swiss representation of your place of residence before entering Switzerland.
My permit is expiring and I am leaving Switzerland. Do I need to announce it ?
Yes. You must announce us your departure. By law, your permit expires the day after your departure.
Health insurance
Who to contact for health insurance related questions ?
For any health insurance related questions, please contact the Health Insurance Service (Service de l'assurance maladie).