Conflit en Ukraine

1. Access to health care and health information


Life-threatening emergency 144
Non life threatening emergency


Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)

HUG emergency room

Rue Gabrielle-Perret Gentil 2

7j/7 - 24h/24

022 427 88 00



Paediatric emergencies

Avenue de la Roseraie 47

7j/7 - 24h/24


Psychological support    

Young people

Telephone line: 147

7j/7 - 24h/24

By phone, SMS, chat or e-mail



Telephone line: 143

7j/7 - 24h/24

By phone, SMS, chat or e-mail


General health consultation guidelines 

All persons coming from Ukraine are strongly encouraged to have a health screening consultation. The earlier care is provided, the better it is for one' s health.

Geneva's healthcare system looks after new incomers to the canton.

All S permit holders benefit from health insurance with LAMal coverage (basic health insurance).

As soon as S permits have been issued, newly arrived adult refugee may benefit from the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) migrant health programme (PSM), which provides a health assessment consultation to all and the HUG-SAMI paediatric consultation centre will do the same for children aged 0 to 17.  


To make an appointment with the PSM (adults)
T. 022 372 03 63
Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) 

Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Geneva

MON-FRI ¦ 9h-11h30 and 13h30-17h.

To make an appointment with the SAMI (children 0-17 yrs)
T. 079 553 86 21
HUG paediatric centre
Hôpital des enfants, rue Willy-Donzé 6
1205 Geneva

MON-FRI ¦ 9h-11h30 and 13h30-17h.


After arrival in Geneva | Bouchet reception desk

Since May, when registering at the Bouchet reception of the Hospice General, the nursing staff of the HUG Migrant Health Programme (PSM) are on site to perform a quick assessment of the health needs of all persons coming from Ukraine. This initial assessment is strongly encouraged as it will ensure that the necessary decisions are made quickly to maintain the health of the newcomers.

The nursing staff will be able to issue a prescription when a patient is in need of a treatment that he/she regularly takes.

The medical information collected is confidential and is not passed on to the authorities or social workers.


For children aged  0 to 17 years (SAMI)

Children up to 17 years included are taken care of by the HUG-SAMI paediatric consultation centre (SAMI).

To make an appointment with the SAMI
HUG paediatric consultation centre
Hôpital des enfants, rue Willy-Donzé 6
1205 Geneva
T. 079 553 42 52

Paediatricians and doctors provide systematic consultation for all children and adolescents and refer them within the health care system for follow-up.

A child health brochure exists in French, English, Ukrainian and Russian.


For adults as of 18 years - PSM

HUG Migrant health program (PSM) - Consultation in Geneva University Hospitals  

To make an appointment with the HUG - PSM
T. 022 372 03 63
MON-FRI ¦ 9h-11h30 and 13h30-17h.
On Wednesdays: only from 13h30-17h

The PSM medical staff systematically carries out at the Bouchet reception of the Hospice General a first assessment of the physical and psychological state of health. If necessary, a medical follow-up is set up. 

The PSM can provide psychological support. It also refers people to specialist doctors according to their needs, for example to a gynaecologist for check-ups in the event of pregnancy, to a cardiologist, a diabetologist or to psychiatric care. 

The HUG also offers a consultation for victims of torture and war (CTG) with specialist doctors and psychologists. It is not always necessary to go there; the need for a CTG consultation is assessed with the PSM medical staff.


Waiting period for an appointment

For systematic nursing consultations at the HUG Migrant health program (PSM) and the HUG paediatric consultation centre (SAMI) : expect a delay of about 15 days.

For nursing consultations at the PSM, depending on the type of problem, the secretariat will do its best to respond to each person's request.

The HUG medical staff at the Bouchet reception desk will give priority to persons with the most serious health problems for the first appointment at the hospital. 

Children from 0 to 17 years are invited by telephone or SMS for an appointment in the weeks or months following their arrival in Geneva (depending on their age and pre-existing health problems). There is also a specific consultation for adolescents. Depending on the age of the child, he or she may be referred there.

If a child is ill and is in need of an appointment sooner, one may call 079.553.86.21 (Ukrainian, Russian and French). 

Please bring your vaccination booklet if you have one with you to any appointment


Language translation of consultations

A person coming from Ukraine may be accompanied by a relative who will assist and translate for him/her.

If there is a language barrier and a person is not accompanied, the HUG will resort to interpretors via the services of Connexxion and the Geneva Red Cross. The HUG work with interpreters in a trialogue to ensure smooth communication and mutual understanding during consultations. The interpreter acts as a link between the patient and the doctor/nurse/psychologist.  

The interpretor is subject to the confidentiality of his/her function.


Coverage of health care costs

Medicare and the canton of Geneva cover the cost of care.

Healthcare and follow-up, including mental health consultations, are free for people who have applied for an S permit

It is therefore very important to register for an S permit.

People without an S permit, i.e. without health insurance, may also benefit from free care at the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG).

Having rapid access to care is a fundamental right. 
Acting quickly reduces damaging impacts on health. 


COVID-19 in Switzerland

COVID-19 is still very present in Switzerland. However, the number of severe cases requiring hospitalisation is limited compared to the total number of cases. The health system is currently able to absorb the health needs of the population. 

People arriving from Ukraine are routinely offered the COVID-19 vaccine, especially people over 65, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases.

The circulation rate of the virus is already very high in Switzerland. The arrival of a large number of people shoulld therefore not have a major impact on the evolution of the epidemic, given the predominant variant currently circulating. As is the case since the beginning of the pandemic, the cantonal doctor's office continues to closely monitor the evolution of COVID cases in hospitals.


Vaccination against COVID-19  

Regular vaccination against COVID-19 is possible at the HUG. The nursing staff of the HUG migrant health programme (PSM),  the HUG-SAMI paediatric consultation centre  and the HUG Youth Health Unit systematically offers them during the health assessment appointment. 

If you have a personal health booklet, please bring it with you to the appointment.
Vaccination against COVID-19 in Geneva
  • Vaccination against COVID-19 is strongly recommended in Switzerland for adults.
  • Children from 5 to 17 years old may also be vaccinated.
  • At the HUG, vaccination is free for everyone, including people who do not have an S permit.

Vaccination for people without an S permit

Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 2-4
Bus : 1,5,7 ou 35 _ Arrêt : Hôpital
T. 022 372 03 94
Mon, Tue, Thu, Frid : 9h-17h
Wed : 9h-12h

Documents to provide:

  • ID card
  • Vaccination booklet if possible 
  • Telephone number
  • Email


Vaccination for people with an S permit (with a prior appointment)

One may make an appointment for vaccination by sending an email to in English, French, Ukrainian or Russian including the following details:

  • First name and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Mobile phone number
  • Email address
  • Information on vaccination history against COVID-19 (which vaccine? date of vaccination, etc.)

Email requests are processed 3 times a week. It may therefore take a few days before you receive an answer.

Most common health problems affecting people coming from Ukraine

People arriving in Geneva are currently mainly women with children and elderly people. The following health issues are therefore frequent:

  • Chronic diseases in elderly people (diabetes, hypertension, etc.) which could be worsened by a temporary lack of medication.
  • Mild infectious diseases in children (gastroenteritis, nasopharyngitis) and updating of their vaccinations.
  • Possible cases of COVID 19, but full vaccination and/or booster shots will be systematically offered to arrivals.
  • Gynaecological needs for pregnant women.
  • And above all, for all persons, important mental health needs due to exposure to trauma. Trauma may be primarily related to the bombings, scenes of war or caused secondarily through exposure to news found on social networks and in the media or when receiving bad news concerning close relatives. Such events generate acute stress that can develop into post-traumatic stress and require psychological support, including preventive support, which consists of explaining to people what the symptoms are. Acute reactions to bereavement are also very likely, with the added difficulty of distance and the inability to attend funerals.
  • Increased use of tobacco and other substances (e.g. alcohol) is also possible as a form of 'self-stress management'. It is important to refer persons who appear to be using these substances to health services and again to support persons with stress symptoms in order to limit the use of these substances.


MM-Mobile Health Check questionnaire

In the interests of their health, people seeking protection are advised to complete the electronic MM-Mobile health check questionnaireavailable on the federal website in several languages including Ukrainian and Russian.

After doing so, a person seeking protection will receive a note as to whether it is necessary to consult a doctor. The opportunity to complete the questionnaire is offered to all persons seeking protection at registration.




Tuberculosis (TB) is present in Ukraine but this doesn't imply that all people coming from Ukraine are infected with TB bacteria. However, in order to reduce the risk, all children over 6 months old coming from Ukraine will be tested. 


It is recommended to make an appointment for a consultation at the PSM (022 372 03 63), for all people who:

  •  have been coughing for more than 10 days, 
  •  are tired (extreme fatigue)
  •  have lost weight
  •  are sweating when resting at night

Treatments for tuberculosis exist and are free of charge for the patient. You may find more information (mode of transmission, treatment, etc.) via the following link: 


HIV and hepatitis


For people with HIV and/or hepatitis, it is important to know that this  does not have any negative impact on the residence status. It is therefore useful to declare your status in order to be referred to the appropriate services. 


For questions related to HIV and to hepatis, you can consult the following documents available in French, Ukrainian or Russian :


Sexual and reproductive health


For questions related to sexual and reproductive health, you can consult the following documents available in French, Ukrainian or Russian :

If you are a victim, witness or perpetrator of psychological, physical, sexual and/or economic violence


You may contact either :

  • the UIMPV (interdisciplinary unit for medicine and prevention of violence) at 022 372 96 41
  • the LAVI centre (Geneva centre for victims of crime) at 022 320 01 02.

In case of emergencies, call 117 (police) or 144 (medical emergencies).


People arriving with their pet dog or cat ?

People arriving from Ukraine with their pet dog or cat must declare it via the Travelling with Pets form available on the federal website which should be completed and sent to: This is to ensure that the animal's vaccinations and documents are up to date.

Accommodation in the Canton of Geneva with a pet may be complicated.


Must one take iodine tablets in Switzerland?

Iodine tablets as a protective measure for the population in Switzerland are primarily intended to be taken in the event of an accident in a Swiss nuclear power plant or in a neighbouring country. 

In the current situation, there is no need to take iodine tablets. Given the distance between Switzerland and the Ukraine, it is highly unlikely that iodine tablets would be needed in Switzerland.



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18 juillet 2024

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