Welcome to Geneva

3. Health

General information

For all migrant persons: the brochure "La santé à Genève. Guide pratique pour personnes migrantes" (only in FR). You will also find it in some immigrant aid associations and at the reception desk of the Office cantonal de la population et des migrations (OCPM), route de Chancy 88, 1213 Onex

For international civil servants : CAGI web pages


Health insurance / Assurance-maladie

In Switzerland, every resident (including children) must be covered by (mandatory) basic health insurance, which reimburses most medical costs (doctors, medications, hospitalisation, etc.). But some costs (dentistry, complementary medicine, some psychotherapies, private or semi-private hospitalisation, etc.) are only covered by (optional) complementary insurance, to be subscribed in addition to basic insurance.

You must contract basic health insurance immediately upon arrival in Switzerland, but at the latest 3 months after (otherwise, an insurance company will be imposed upon you). We recommend rapidly finding a family doctor (general practitioner) and a paediatrician (for your children), as waiting times can be lengthy.

If you don't speak French, chose a family doctor who speaks your language in the AMGe's directory.


The State offers subsidies to help you pay your health insurance premiums if you fulfil certain conditions.

Last updated
14 December 2021

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