How to sort your trash
7. Other recyclable waste: aluminum and tin, coffee capsules, PET, textiles
Aluminum and tin
Aluminum and tin
- What to include ? Aluminum cans, tubes, trays, and foil, as well as empty aerosol cans, items in aluminum (pans, strainers, etc.), and tin cans (canned food, animal food, etc.)
- Collection : Most municipalities have containers for collecting aluminum and tin packaging. Tis packaging can also be left with certain businesses.
More information about aluminum and tin recycling
Coffee capsules
What to include ? Aluminum capsules are collected separately. Special collection containers are available at certain municipal recycling centers and at various specialized shops. Plastic capsules must be thrown away with incinerable waste.
Collection : Certain municipalities provide containers for collecting coffee capsules.
Find a collection location
More information about recycling coffee capsules
What to include ? All PET drink bottles, but not other PET packaging, which must be thrown away with incinerable waste (oil bottles, vinegar bottles…).
Warning : Milk bottles are not made of PET plastic but PE, and must be thrown in the garbage.
Collection : Most municipalities as well as large retailers provide containers for collecting PET bottles.
More information about PET recycling
The collection of textiles benefits various charity organizations serving the poor. Most municipalities provide containers for textile collection. Textiles can also be deposited directly with charities.
Which textiles are reused :
wearable clothing in good condition only
clean clothes
No damaged clothes
More information about textile recycling