How to sort your trash
8. Household waste (incinerable garbage)
Certain waste is not recycled and must be eliminated in the regular garbage bin :
- plastics (with the exception of PET drink bottles),
- soiled paper and cardboard (food packaging), self-adhesive and plastic-coated papers, paper tissues and napkins,
- composite packaging and objects (meaning made from several different materials),
- "classic" incandescent lightbulbs, halogen bulbs,
- broken dishes and porcelain,
- vegetable oils (put them in any plastic container, and dispose of them with kitchen garbage, maximum 1 liter per garbage bag),
- pet litter, vacuum-cleaner-bag contents, cigarette butts,
- diapers/nappies.
- Collection : Household garbage collection is provided by municipalities. Some collect house to house, others ask residents to deposit garbage in centralized collection points. Inquire with your municipality.