A conversation on civic engagement with activists from India

Photo d'une foule en inde
Photo d'une foule en inde
Horaire: de 12h15 à 14h00
Tarif: sur inscription et gratuit
Carte SITG générée selon idpadr: 130516111211
Lieu: Chemin Eugène-RIGOT 2D, Genève
La Fabrique, IHEID, Maison de la Paix
Organisateur: Chancellerie d' Etat, IHEID, Centre Albert Hirschman sur la démocratie
Public cible: Tout public, en anglais

The global peace campaign known as the Jai Jagat has involved a large public engagement in India and in numerous other countries. Activists Jill Carr-Harris and PV Rajagopal have been at the forefront of this campaign and of numerous other initiatives in the last few decades.

As both will be in Geneva during Democracy Week, the students from the Graduate Institute who have organised this event will host a conversation on civic engagement and engaged research.

The discussion will explore farmers’ rights and the stakes of the mobilisation of Indian peasants, as well as the role of engaged research in activism and civic engagement.

Jill Carr-Harris and PV Rajagopal will also discuss their experience of creating solidarity networks through the UN, South-South solidarity and international initiatives.

Dernière mise à jour
26 septembre 2022