Independent mediation between the public and the police (MIPP)

3. Request mediation

A mediation procedure requested to the MIPP in order to settle a dispute between the public and the police is free and confidential.


Mediation can be requested directly by :

  • Any person who feels he/she has been wronged, whether he/she lives in Geneva, is passing through or is a member of the police.

In certain cases that have been brought to their attention, mediation may also be requested by :

  • The State Councillor in charge of security
  • The Police Commander
  • Municipal officials in charge of security
  • The Public Prosecutor's Office
  • The Juvenile Court 
  • Non-governmental organisations or professionals responsible for following up individual cases


A request for mediation may be made as soon as :

  • A person or a member of the police force feels that he/she have been treated unfairly or misunderstood in the course of his/her interaction.
  • The State Council, the Police Commander or the local councillors receive a complaint.
  • The Public Prosecutor's Office or the Juvenile Court wishes to suspend proceedings in favour of mediation.

Request mediation

All you have to do is contact the MIPP by e-mail, post, telephone or by visiting the office during the opening hours listed below.

Contact us

Organe de Médiation indépendante entre la population et la police (MIPP)
Rue Henri-Fazy
1204 Genève (4th floor)
E -

Telephone reception
Tuesday and Thursday
T. 022 327 92 80 

No appointment required
Thursdays from 12h to 14h

Last updated
22 May 2024

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