Start a business in Geneva

4. Obtain aid to start your business

There is a network of organizations in Geneva to help entrepreneurs develop their projects. These organizations offer advice, coaching, funding assistance, encouragement of innovation and R&D, promotion and networking.

The Directorate General for Economic Development, Research and Innovation is the gateway to carry out the first analysis of an entrepreneurship file and direct the project leader to the competent cantonal body, according to the needs identified.

Coaching, coaching and incubators

  • Genilem (incubator, innovation, life sciences, start-up)
  • FONGIT (incubator, ICT, tech fintech innovation, start-up)
  • OPI (industry, consulting, promotion)


  • FAE (financing, bonding, industry, enterprise, trade)
  • Fondetec (financing, loans, premises, start-up, start-up, company, trade)

Support for innovation

Networking and other services

Depending on your company's sector of activity, you can also use thematic promotion platforms: BioAlps for life sciences, Alp ICT for communication and information technologies or Micronarc for micro and nanotechnologies and CleantechAlps in Cleantech.

There are many other private economic development assistance structures that are not listed on this page.

You can also use private funding sources, such as banks, foundations, business angels or crowdfunding.

Last updated
14 December 2021

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