Contact the cantonal ombudsman

1. Overview

The Administrative Mediation Office (BMA) offers a simple way to deal with conflicts between individuals (natural person or legal entity) and a Geneva public administration.

  • Have you had a bad experience with a public administration ?
  • Do you have a disagreement or conflict with an administration ?
  • Do you feel that you are not being heard or understood by an administration ?
  • Are you lost in an adminsitrative process ?
  • You represent an administration and are looking for support in managing a conflict with a user ?

For advice or to request a mediation, you can call on the cantonal ombudsman.

The process and services are free of charge.

Our office is an independent structure within the State of Geneva. Its independence is guaranteed by law (LMéd-GE).

To consult the conditions of intervention of the cantonal ombudsman, click here.

Documents to download

(available in French only)

Printed copies can be ordered form the service.

Activity reports of the BMA

(available in French only)

AR 2023

AR 2022

AR 2021

AR 2020

AR 2019

Legal basis

(available in French only)

Constitution of Republic and Canton of Geneva (Cst-GE) - art. 115

Law on administrative mediation (LMéd-GE)

Law on public information, access to documents and protection of personal data (LIPAD)


Contact us

Bureau de médiation administrative
Case postale 3964
1211 Genève 3
Tél: +41 22 327 95 79

Find us

Rue Jean-CALVIN 8

2. When to ask for help

In which situations can you call on the Administrative Mediation Office (BMA) ?

The BMA can intervene if you have a conflict with :

  • the cantonal administration
  • the municipal administrations
  • institutions, establishments and foundations with public law missions
  • the administrative services of the judiciary and the Cour des comptes
In what situations is our office unable to intervene ?

The BMA can not intervene if you have a conflict :

  • with the elected members of the Grand Conseil, the Conseil d'Etat, the judiciary, the Cour des comptes, and municipal authorities
  • to deal with labor relations disputes between the administration and its employees

The BMA can not examine a case :

  • that is the subject of an ongoing legal proceedings
  • that has already been decided in law
unless the procedure is suspended for mediation.
Contact the Administrative Mediation Office


3. Different types of support

Which support does the Administrative Mediation Office (BMA) offer ?

The BMA is an office where the cantonal ombudsman advises and a aims to resolve conflicts amicably.

Analysis of the request

The treatment of any situation starts with a contact with the BMA.

The ombudsman listens, advises, informs or guides in order to best respond to the request.


You are welcomed in a confidential setting where you can freely explain your situation.

Advice and information

You will find help in finding solutions and understanding procedures.

Guarantees offered to you :
  • the ombudsman acts only with your agreement
  • no action is taken if you do not wish it
  • requests are treated in complete confidentiality
  • the ombudsman is subject to the obligation of professional secrecy
  • the practice of BMA members is based on the key values of its code of ethics (available in French only)
Intermediaries - Shuttle Mediation

Sometimes, it is necessary to contact a member of the administration concerned to better understand the situation. This exchange may lead to a positive outcome, for example by :

  • clearing up a misunderstanding
  • additional explanations
  • correction of an error that has been highlighted

In other cases, the ombudsman may propose a mediation session between you and a representative of the administration concerned.

The conditions for a mediation session :

Mediation brings the parties together and helps to find a mutually acceptable outcome.

In the event of a positive outcome of mediation, upon request of the parties, the result of the agreement may be formalised in a written document. 

Recommendation to the authority concerned

If the ombudsman considers it necessary, he can make a recommendation to the authority concerned and propose a change in procedures.

This approach is part of the BMA mission to contribute to improving the functioning of the administration and encourage it to maintain good relations with users.

Access to information

Any staff of the Geneva public administration, whatever their hierarchical level, must support the ombudsman :

  • by providing him with any information or documents requested
  • by giving a right or facilitating access to data, subject to the provisions of the law on public information, access to documents and protection of personal data (LIPAD - available in French only).

Persons subject to the secrecy of function are released from such secrecy with regard to the ombudsman.

4. Contact the Administrative Mediation Office (BMA)

The cantonal ombudsman receives by appointment any person who makes a request, deals with the case or refers the person to a third party (available in French only) if the request falls outside his scope of action.

How to contact the ombudsman ?

  • by telephone at +41 (0)22 327 95 79, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • by email at :

To whom does the BMA report ?

The law (LMéd-GE - in French only) guarantees the independance of the BMA.
The cantonal ombudsman and his substitute are elected for a period of 5 years by the Grand Conseil after consultation with the Conseil d'Etat.

In January 2023, the Grand Conseil extended the mandate of the cantonal ombudsman and his substitute by one year, until 30 November 2024.

Organisation for the 2018-2023 legislature (extended until 30 November 2024)

Led by the cantonal ombudsman, the BMA is composed of :

Edouard Sabot, médiateur administratif cantonal

Edouard Sabot
Cantonal ombudsman



Marie-Laure Canosa
Substitute cantonal ombudsman




The process and services are free of charge.

Contact us

Bureau de médiation administrative
Case postale 3964
1211 Genève 3
Tél: +41 22 327 95 79

Find us

Rue Jean-CALVIN 8